
Body Building Diet

In body building, your diet is one of the most effective weapons you can have if you want to achieve maximum potential.  Diet is so important to the body builder as it not only supplies the body with the energy needed to perform your exercises as well as giving you the nutrients you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

A good body building diet will include a lot of protein.  It is critical for building muscle, losing fat, and contributing to the overall health of our tissues and organs.  You should be consuming 1 gram of protein for each pound of your body weight.  Body builders should increase that amount to a gram and a half per day.  Good sources of protein include meat, fish, and milk.

Carbohydrates should also be a big part of the body building diet.  Carbs are a major source of the fuel our body uses for activity.  You should include complex carbohydrates in your diet through starches and fiber.  That means eating pasta, whole grain rice, and whole grain breads as well as potatoes. 

Believe it or not, fats are also an important part of a body building diet.  Our bodies need fats to function correctly and efficiently.  They are an energy source for the body and regulate most of our bodily processes.

The key for including fat in your diet is to consume the good fats as opposed to the bad one.  Good fats are unsaturated ones found in olive oil or flaxseed oil.  Unsaturated fats are ones that are liquid at room temperature.  Saturated fats can clog your arteries and lead to health problems, so they should be avoided as much as possible.  Animal lard and butter are saturated fats and are solid at room temperature.

You should also have adequate fiber in your body building diet.  Fiber helps your body flush out impurities on a regular basis and helps contribute to weight loss.  Some good sources of fiber are whole grain as well as nuts and seeds.

Finally, you will want to include a lot of vegetables in your diet as well as a moderate amount fruit.  Fruit can cause you to retain water and contribute to a larger amount of sugar that you would otherwise need.  However, vegetables contain essential vitamins and nutrients that you body needs to operate efficiently.

A good body building diet is one that is balanced and nutritious.  You should consume the majority of your protein and carbohydrates in the morning and eat five or six small meals daily instead of three large ones.  A good diet is important to effective body building, so know what your body needs and then go for it.

The Muscle Building & Fat Loss Inner Circle (By Sean Nalewanyj)

When you visit The Muscle Building & Fat Loss Inner Circle website, you're immediately asked an important question:

"How would you like an unfair advantage in building the head-turning body of your dreams?"

It might sound like just another hyped up marketing tactic, but after spending a few days examining what The M.F.I.C has to offer, I'm forced to admit that that's precisely what you'll get.

It's owned and operated by Sean Nalewanyj... the creator of 2 best-selling online muscle building and fat loss programs and a guy who is well known in the industry as a reputable expert when it comes to transforming people's bodies and lives.

He says that when putting together this members-only community, his goal was simple:

To collect the absolute BEST techniques and strategies from the most reputable, credible and sought-after muscle-building and fat loss experts in the world... and package them into one place for a low price that ANYONE interested could afford.

I've got to give him credit, because that's exactly what he's done.

The Muscle Building & Fat Loss Inner Circle is what I would consider to be the "premier" fitness membership site on the web today... and it's jam-packed with every single tool you need to build muscle, burn fat, gain strength and get into the best shape of your life.

Sean Nalewanyj gives you instant access to insider tips and strategies regularly contributed by his "dream team" of fitness experts, and together they bring you...

- Explosive Workout Plans
- Step-By-Step Meal Plans
- The Muscle Building & Fat Loss Audio Show
- Exclusive Video Lessons
- The F.I.C Supplement Blackbook
- Expert Interviews
- Weightlifting Video Tutorials
- Mind & Motivation Secrets
- Delicious Recipes & Smoothies
- Members-Only Articles

And much more that I can't even list here. In fact, everything outlined above is probably around half of what the full site contains.

This isn't a static library of info either... it's regularly updated with a new tip or strategy every few days, so your knowledge will continue to grow and expand.

Most "free" fitness websites out there are absolutely loaded with content, but the problem is that most of it is written by people who have no credibility and really don't know what they're talking about.

You spend weeks, months, even YEARS sifting through all the information, and by the time you finally stumble on something that works, you've already wasted a ton of time, effort and energy that could have been used in far more effective ways.

The M.F.I.C solves this by only allowing the most reputable and well known experts onto their team. This means you can immediately begin applying the strategies that you learn without having to worry whether or not they'll work.

But this website is about far more than just learning new techniques to apply in and out of the gym. It's a full blown support community designed to keep you driven and motivated over the long run.

When you join, you'll immediately be able to chat, interact and make friends with all kinds of guys and girls from around the world who are pursuing a better body just like you are.

You'll get to create your own member profile to fill with your stats, pictures, videos and other info... share your goals and progress... browse other member profiles... add friends... write blogs... send text and audio messages... ask questions and share advice on the private forum... interact in the text and video chat room... use the instant messenger...

The list of features really is incredible.

The most exciting part is that it costs next to nothing to become a member... Sean Nalewanyj has really made this a super-affordable site, and you can join in on the action for no more than the price of a couple drop-in sessions at your local gym.

If you're serious about achieving an impressive body quickly, then The Muscle Building & Fat Loss Inner Circle gets my full recommendation as a resource that you should not go without. 

I don't recommend online fitness products very often simply because there's so much garbage out there... But the M.F.I.C is one of the rare exceptions that you should definitely check out.

Basic Body Building Supplements Review

When you are involved in the sport of body building, taking supplements can help you hone your body to new levels.  There are literally hundreds of supplements on the market you can choose from.  The choices can be confusing.  A body building supplement review can help you make the choice about which one is right for you.

There are lots of different supplements you can use depending on your body building goals.  Which one you choose to take makes a difference in the effectiveness of your workout program.  We’ll review some of the high points of each of the most popular, legal body building supplements.


Creatine has a variety of uses.  Besides being used to gain strength and muscle mass, the other benefits of creatine can really help body builders achieve their goals.  Creatine is also known to battle fatigue as well as muscle atrophy.  It can reduce cholesterol and enhance the body builder’s metabolism to better process food.  Creatine has also seen a therapeutic benefit in Parkinson’s disease as well as other brain problems.

Nitric Oxide

This supplement is known to increase and sustain the flow of muscle building agents to skeletal muscle.  It can increase the amount of weight you are able to lift, boosts your power output, and quickens muscle contraction.  Some people also report that taking nitric oxide as a body building supplement enhances their sexual feelings and stamina.


Protein is very important in the diet of a body builder.  It is the building block of muscle building nutrients that can build mass in ways you never thought possible.  It is an amino acid that lends itself to building massive muscles that are toned and fit.  It is often recommended that protein supplements be taken with some form of carbohydrate for it to be effective.  Whey protein is considered to be one of the best types of protein supplement for most body builders.


Some body builders call glutamine creatine’s “sexy sister”.  Glutamine is also an amino acid that is produced naturally by the body on its own.  The problem is that stress, including the stress of a workout depletes the natural glutamine found in the system.  Without glutamine, you will suffer muscle loss which can undo all your hard work in the gym.  That’s why a glutamine supplement is important in any body builder’s arsenal.

Most body building supplements are reviewed on a regular basis by fitness magazines and experts.  Getting a review of body building supplements can be the best way for you to figure out which ones you want to include in your regimen.  Then go for it and realize some great gains in muscle tone!


The Big Picture in Body Building

When a person decides that he or she wants to get into body building as a sport, it’s important to look at the big picture before starting out.  You’ll need to look at your new quest as a lifestyle change and know what you’re in for before you even start.  The big picture in body building is where you will want to end up.

That means setting personal goals when it comes to your body building journey.  What do you want to look like when you are at your peak?  Do you have a specific person in mind that you want to emulate?  Keep that picture in your mind as you are working out as motivation.

You will also want to consider what type of goals you have for yourself as a result of your body building.  Are you wanting to lose weight, do you want to eventually compete, or do you just want to live healthier?  Keeping that picture in your mind as well will help you become more focused and more effective while body building.

The big picture of body building also includes living a fully healthy lifestyle.  That means eating right and getting the right amount of rest to make your workouts count every day.  You’ll need lots of different vitamins and minerals that can work inside your body and make your muscles work harder so they are well-defined and toned.

Are you wanting to ultimately compete in body building contests?  If so, the picture of body building you carry with you will be different than that of a person who is just striving to become fit.  You will want to concentrate on specific muscle groups and work them to their fullest potential.

Do your research before you start body building and look at pictures of people who at their muscle building peaks.  See what they look like and then keep that picture in your mind as you strive for your own personal fulfillment.

Body building is really more than a sport – it is a mind, body, and soul endeavor.  Keeping the big picture always at the forefront of your mind will make your body building more efficient, more effective, and will grow your body to new proportions.

The picture of body building is more than just an oily, greased up man or woman standing on a stage and flexing their muscles.  Today, body building has evolved to include the picture of health and wellness as well.  Those who remember that will become everything they ever dreamed of and will make that picture in their minds become a reality.

Weight Training in Body Building

If you want to really concentrate on body building, weight training is an important part of your workout program. Weight training in body building is a very huge part of any exercise regimen, but it’s not the only part. However, when you have a strong weight training plan, your body building goals become easier to achieve.

In order to work certain muscle groups, you need to lift weights that will provide resistance to those areas. As you start your weight training body building program, remember to start small and work your way up. That means start out with a weight that is difficult to lift, but you are able to do it with some effort. As that weight gets easier to lift, add more. The idea is to build up slowly so you don’t risk injury to your body.

When you are weight training, you need to be sure that you are doing the exercises correctly. Use extreme caution and feel the muscles as they work to lift the weights. Your form is just as important as how much weight you are lifting, so pay special attention to how the exercises are done and perform them safely.

You will be doing some heavy lifting during weight training, so safety is very important. When you are doing squats or dead lifts, you put a strain on your lower back. It’s a good idea to wear a weight belt when performing these exercises to minimize the risk of injury. Weight belts provide support to your lower back as well as keep your spine aligned so you don’t do an exercise improperly.

One important result of weight training in body building is increased physical performance. Muscles quite literally utilize energy to produce movement, functioning as the engine or powerhouse of the body. Strength training increases the muscles' size, strength, and endurance, which contribute to improvements in our work, our favorite sports and hobbies, and our general day-to-day activities.

Your physical appearance will improve with a weight training program as your body burns fat for energy to lift those weights. When you burn fat, you lose weight and gain muscle tone. Weight training also prevents muscle loss that can lead to a flabby body. Obviously, the resist you get during weight training will help develop your muscles in new and exciting ways.

Weight training is a big part of a body building program. If you want to have well-defined muscles, you must incorporate weight training in your exercise plan. You will realize huge results with your efforts and have a better looking, healthier body in the process.